The trademark "La Fee" is owned by Green Utopia Ltd., which is owned by the famous master of distillation George Rowley. Inspired by his passion for magic potion whose taste in his time literally "crazy" many people of an era, in 1999 he created his own company. Used by production capacity include not only France, but also Switzerland - 2 historic homeland of absinthe. These include plant Cherry Rocher distillery, founded in 1705 and is positioned in La Côte-Saint-André in the south-east of France, as well as the wineries in the cities of Pontarlier (France) and Cuvee (Switzerland). Taking up the reproduction of old recipes, Rowley patiently collected evidence that at one time absinthe was banned completely in vain and harmful for the body was not medically justified. Thanks to his efforts, in 2011, absinthe was rehabilitated and officially authorized for sale in France.